Arlan's Read Whine

i decided i dont want comments on this blog. that'll make it easier for me to write whatever i want. you dig? thanks for reading though!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

now what? :-)

is there anything you guys wanna know about me? im not all that interesting but if you have any questions (i know you do cause you ask them all the time on myspace!) you can ax me...send me a myspace message or email me or find me on msn...

im pretty much an open book....go for it.

i did wanna say that i am SO excited and appreciative of all the feedback i get from you guys. whether you do it privately or publically...often or not...its just...amazing to me. i wish everyone was able to experience what i do every day just by checking my messages. its wild!

i think its interesting that people feel comfortable asking me for advice about things. as you can probably guess from my previous posts, ive been a mess lately. sad about the ex...sad about things not having to do with the ex at all. but being able to help other people really really helps me. oh and im feeling much, much better about things in general...there are a lot of cool things on the horizon that i have to look forward to. good times, good people...

i was looking at Sarah Warn's myspace page...she's the chick that founded (awesome by the way)...and she has as her occupation "Professional Lesbian."

im starting to feel like a professional lesbian myself!

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